Williamson Publishing, 1999
Dig in with hands, feet, and mind! Uncover a building's past on an indoor archaeological hunt; carve an ancient Olmec-style head; do math using Maya glyphs; play Tlachtli, the ancients' ball game of skil and nerve; grind some corn on a metate with a mano; compose a mariachi-style lament; and speak important Spanish words. Experience a rich culture! Welcome new ideas and traditions into your life! Celebrate Cinco de Mayo with a Mexican fiesta complete with papel picado banners; dress in a huipil tied with the woven belt you can make on your own heddle loom; mark the moon's phases as the Maya did and make an Oaxacan-style sun face; test the Aztec belief in sun power in an experiment. Meet the people! Kids like you wearing jeans and T-shirts; rural famers using horses and plows; the Aztec ruler Moctezuma II (who drank 50 cups of Mexican hot chocolate a day!); artist Diego Rivera (and make a mural, too); and the everyman hero, Emiliano Zapata! So much to think about! Many countries face similar issues. How do you feel about poverty, pollution, honoring the dead, traditional versus modern, race relations, human rights, forgiveness? |